Hi, I'm Matt

Junior Data Analyst    

Experienced in Python, SQL, and R

Native to industry-standard cloud management platforms such as Azure and AWS, as well as other server database environments

Deep, exploratory business and market analysis with a visual emphasis

Lisbon-based 🇵🇹

Find my latest projects with links to my code below.

pandas, seaborn, tableau

Car price sales report

Modelled and visualised price distribution representing share of total car sales across all models - based on a 2022 dataset of US car industry.

nlp, ml

IMDb sentiment analysis

Several classification algorithms on which is trained a sampled dataset of 50000+ user reviews to test which one makes the best prediction engine for positive/negative sentiment.

python, beautifulsoup, nltk

Anna Karenina word count

Web-scraped public-domain HTML of Tolstoi's famous epic: words individually tokenised, filtered and ranked using open-source natural language toolkits.